Otherwise known as; Tansie does really weird stuff.
Since you all clearly need to know more about moi, I decided to make a post all about the stuff I do when left idle.
1. Writing
(admittedly, this one is not that weird)
This one is kind of obvious. I try to spend a little time each day writing, so when I'm free it's most likely what I'm doing. Typically I write on my bed, surrounded by an enormous pile of blankets and pillows and blasting music through my headphones. If I'm not plotting deaths in my giant pillow forts, then I'm curled up on the couch in the living room, plotting deaths in smaller sized pillow forts. *cackles evilly*
2. Listening to Music
I love listening to music. In fact, I do it all the time. It involves dancing spazzmatically to a beat no one can hear but me-- since I also love wearing headphones. I like to think I can pop-and-lock.
I cannot.
3. Reading
While I love reading, I don't have a lot of time for it. I need to soak in the plot, characters, and setting, and I can't do that in a ten minute break. After school, I like to unwind, and working my brain with the intense, twisty plots that I love reading is not the ideal way to go.
4. Eating
I'm not gonna lie. Food is just... *dying noises* And I'm not just referring to desserts (like chocolate, ice cream, *more dying noises*). BUT JUST ALL THE FOOD. Also, I would love to travel the world and try a new food in each of them.
5. Making Videos
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Inspiration comes in spurts for me, so it's not often that I'm editing videos and playing it over, and over, and over, and over again until it plays as perfection. Seriously. I love music, but there is such a thing as getting sick of hearing the first five seconds play a thousand times over. Eugngnhghghhg. But it is nice to see my dream book trailer come to life. If only it didn't take so much time.
6. Watching Movies/TV Shows
Ahhh, yes. Movies. My safe haven. My absolute favorite thing to do after a super stressful school day is watch a movie. Preferably one that is not also stress inducing. Every good action movie ties my stomach in knots, so I usually end up watching an animation movie. (Some of my current favorites are Big Hero 6 and Lilo & Stitch). TV shows are watched with my dad, so a schedule is needed, since my sister goes to college and my dad has a job that takes up most of his time. Any TV shows that I discover on my own are either watched halfway through the first season and then abandoned, or currently on a break. (TEEN WOLF I'M LOOKING AT YOU)
7. Gaming
It's true. I love it. My current favorite game is Defiance-- mainly because it goes along with an awesome TV show and WEAPONS. ALL THE WEAPONS. I have learned so much from playing the game that my dad said, when observing my sister and I yelling instructions at each other from across the table, that we sounding like actual soldier-people. It made me proud, but actually we were probably screaming things like:
*actual screaming*
8. Spending Actual Time with the Fam
My family is awesome. We often joke over meals and debate over political things. If you've ever wondered where my level of maturity comes from *sarcasm* you now know. I get all my sass from my parents.
9. Creating Scenarios in my Mind
Yeah. I actually talk to myself A LOT. It's more a constant muttering, actually. My sister calls me out on it frequently. It happens when I don't even think about it-- meaning that I'll be wandering around the house muttering, or brushing my hair muttering, or feeding the dogs muttering, or just laying in bed. Muttering.
If I'm not muttering, I'm staring into space with my headphones on, creating really insane story ideas. (Seriously. They can get weird.) My family frequently whacks me to get my attention.
10. Sleeping
Sleeping is beautiful. It keeps me sane. But I haven't really had enough recently so... That explains a lot.